
Organisation is Essential! Work Experience: Day 3

Hello everyone! Today was the third day of my work experience placement. On the previous two days of my placement, I have been preparing everything for promoting the sale of the international television rights for I Am Nasrine. I have been feeling really concerned about doing this properly and so I've constantly been emailing James and Beatriz asking them to check that I'm doing everything properly. I think eventually they are going to be sick of all these emails!

My work area - a place where you can find one super organised gal!

When I got to the office today, I found that James had gone ahead and sent all of the emails for me. This meant that I could start some of the other tasks I'd been assigned in the previous weekly meeting. At this point, I feel like I have a long to-do list and if I carry on working at the pace I started at then I'll be here for years! So today I aimed to work more efficiently, trusting in my own initiative and working at a much faster speed!

Nelly and Beatriz were very busy today and so I was given a couple of extra, small admin tasks to do for them while they got on with their own work. They use an online system called Wunderlist which organises your office's to-do lists properly, assigning individual employees with their personal tasks. One of the jobs I needed to do today was to update the office to-do lists on this app.

I actually made myself a Wunderlist account and I think I'm going to start using it in my everyday life to keep myself organised. I'm a compulsive list-maker as it is, which is great as long as I don't lose the piece of paper I wrote my to-do list down on. So this app looks like it's going to actually really benefit me!

Lesson learnt: organisation is key to success. I am keeping the same notebook for this placement, too, in the hope that this will keep me on track with the jobs I need to do! It felt like a long day today, but looking forward to starting some of the other tasks they've asked me to do.

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